My name is Ben Keener and I’m a software engineer. I love using and am most fluent in JavaScript, C, and C#. I have the most experience in backend development, often turning to Node.js for web servers and API development. I also have experience developing in Unity with C# making AR and VR applications along with some games. While those are my favorite things to work with, I also have experience working in PHP/Laravel, Ruby on Rails, and some frontend JavaScript.

I grew up in the relatively small town of Marietta, Pennsylvania. The lack of kids my age in my neighborhood led me to find ways to entertain myself, which quickly became the entry point of my interest in software/computers. I started tinkering with JavaScript when I was about 10 years old, and I’ve been tinkering and learning ever since. It became clear to me that applying my knowledge to make things and learning about what I need to know to fill in the gaps was the best way for me to learn. This was the biggest factor in my decision to attend Holberton School in San Francisco, allowing me to dedicate myself to learning more and more about software engineering.

I’m heavily motivated by both my interest in learning and my passion for software engineering. I love finding the best way to tackle problems and learning about new technologies and methods only makes the problem more interesting to me. There always seems to be some aspect of a project that I can latch on to to drive me to do my best work on the project. I believe that I could impact a team with both my software engineering perspective and my communication skills. In a team environment, having as many perspectives to a problem as possible is always very valuable, so being able to offer mine I believe would add value to the team. Along with this, being able to communicate ideas, etc. is very important and I think that my experience as a Student Tutor would translate well to working with a team.